Ya what else it could be..... like an obsessed mom I try to preserve each and every moment of my lil one :) I literally HATE to through away even a single paper that has M's drawings, ya even a even a single line drawn by her is precious to me ,but I know I cant cling to everything and wont possibly be able to keep all the pages that hold the precious journey.
So for fathers day what could be better than something made from my collection of her art and some originals works especially for baba. here is what we did
we made two cards for Baba. I don't remember where did I see this idea first but any way here it is ....I took a small box, cut 6 colored papers that fit into it,(one for each letter) then I cut out bold letters F-A-T-H-E-R, punched and thread them with matching ribbons into a book form and Tadaaaa its ready for M to draw something special for Baba (that's my addition to the original idea that had 6 attributes one for each letter) then we did some collage on the box to match !!!
The second one gave her more freedom as it was a big D and she did some sticker collage, (especially wanted " fish" sticker for her baba that says be mine:) ) some drawings ....have you noticed the OH SO SPECIAL heart on top left...."oh so special" is a new character/stuffed bear on Disney and as we were to make something "special " for baba here it is .... (its kind of funny that it looks more like a heart shape with eyes than the stuffed bear :)
For the gift we made these two way book marks. For this I cut 4 rectangular out of card boards I used 2 different colors that complemented her work. Cut out windows in them leaving 1/2 inch on 3 sides and about 2 inches on one side.Then mounted her artwork between the two pieces. To add the string I punched one hole on top of each one and then using the loop knot added the matching ribbons.
A tool Box (that's still under construction) all painted by M so far.He could also use it to keep the Gifts that he'll receive from her in future....now thats an Idea baba!!!
And M's hand cast it came out nicer than my expectations
anyway while putting M to bed last night I thought of preserving the day with a cast of her Little hand with baba's bigger one I think that would come out real nice It will deserve a new post I believe